About Us

The owner/originator of this website is Phil Herndon.

As a protestant pastor’s son he was from an early age exposed to missions. Christian missionaries visiting, times of focus on people group’s difficult conditions and a continued awareness of those in need around us.

This all comes together in Generosity Resources and is as the core of how Phil and Deborah aspire to live their lives today.

The Why?

  • We live in time unlike any others, the disparity of daily life is never been more extreme.  While millions live in abject poverty, well below subsistence levels many other waste in a day what could support a rural village for a month!   Simply many people in this world could live better if they just had access to the garage that is removed from a typical western home each week. While we enjoy all the trappings of prosperity and technical advancement too many in this world live no differently or better than the generations before them.

  • Technology  like solar power providing electrical energy and the internet allowing for remote education and work have opened the door for a better life to whole continents that were previously isolated and disconnected to the modern world.

  • While violence, war, drought and instability is evident in many parts of this world we are in a period of unpatrolled peace.  This has opened an opportunity door to raise people groups out of poverty and provide them with the resources to build better lives.


When you can see:

(#1) the resources to give, (#2) the tools that exist, (#3) and the favorable timing

- our generosity is more important than ever! 

And don’t forget the boomerang effect of giving. The Bible says that it’s more Blessed to Give than to Receive (Acts 20:35) and in the secular book The Paradox of Generosity states: Happiness can be the result, not of spending more money on oneself, but rather of giving money away to others…   the data examined here show this to be not simply a nice idea, but a social-scientific fact.   

Think about that, as the giver you are the beneficiary!

Phil has visited mission/NGO work in: Kazakhstan, India, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Brazil, Kenya, Zambia, Namibia, Uganda, Rwanda, Malawi and Mexico. Totaling more than 40 individual groups and all viewed at ground level.  

From these visits he has concluded that small, founder led groups are the most effective. Factors such as firsthand contact, low overhead, flexibility and personal passion come together to change lives. All the works identified here fit that model and Phil has visited.  

We trust them and are confident of the maximum impact of your generosity. With that said sometimes a lot of money is not a good thing!   Be wise and responsible as you are generous.